About Us

Central Detective Training Institute Ghaziabad was setup on the recommendations of Gore committee on Police Training (1970) after 03 other similar training institute viz Kolkata, Hyderabad and Chandigarh and started functioning on 16th January, 2012 under the aegis of Bureau Police Research and Development, with an objective to provide in-service training to Police officers to improve the standards of crime investigation in India by familiarizing the Police officers with various development in forensic science.

CTDI Ghaziabad caters to the need of Police officers from Northern and Central regions of India viz MP, UP, Delhi, Bihar, Uttrakhand, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh and various Central Police originations. This institute has a sprawling campus of about 8.37 acres of land with well-manicured green lawns, flowers and row of trees that inspire mind, body and soul.


The mandate of CDTI, Ghaziabad is to provide training to in-service personnel of the rank of Sub Inspector to Dy SP to enhance their investigative skills by imparting latest knowledge of scientific techniques and best practices in investigation and awareness of latest developments in forensic science.

Training Courses

CDTS, Ghaziabad conducts following courses on Investigation of Cyber Crime Cases Interrogation Techniques, course on Atrocities Against SC/ST & Weaker Sections, Investigation on Organized Crime, Handling of Terrorist Financing & FICN, Mobile Forensic, Economic Offences, Investigation of Crime Against Women, Investigation of NDPS Cases, Crime Scene Investigation, Collection and Preservation of Digital Evidence etc.

Training Workshops

Apart from regular courses, training workshops on following subjects are also organized at CDTS, Ghaziabad :- Gender Sensitization. Investigation Abroad. Self Development and Conflict Management. Investigation of Traffic Accident cases and Traffic Management. Women Safety

Training Methodologies.

Training Centred Methods – Power Point Presentations, Demonstrations and lectures. Group Learning Methods – Pre-reads, Knowledge checks, large group discussion. Brainstorming, group forming exercises. Small Groups – Syndicates, Panel discussions. Activities for smaller groups – simulation exercise, paper feed, sharing experiences. Role Plays – dealing with knowledge and skill, attitude and feelings.